12 thoughts on “Eat This Hot Show 113 Fried Rice”

  1. Vera is right. “Thank you”, “Hello”, “Goodbye” and “Excuse me”, they’re the only phrases I picked up in Hungarian, Polish and Czech. Well, that and “I love you”…

  2. I agree with Madge on the Nuclear Power Plant argument. The sole fact that there’s no insurance on earth covering such a power plant is very telling. Nucular energy is highly subsidiesed by the governments, the research, the building of the physical plants, and ultimately, the cleanup after desasters like Chernobyl and Fukushima has to be paid for with tax money. Therefore I doubt that nucular energy would be as profitable or cheap if anybody did an real and honest calculation of the whole cost that included all the factors, including the problem of how to dispose of the nuclear waste, which to this day remains to be solved. We can’t have fucking meltdowns every 25 or so years… I think these subsidies should go into solar and wind energy to make these technologies more relevant and profitable.
    What really needs to happen is a reduction our needed amount of energy, eg. by thermal insulation of our buildings in order to reduce the amount of energy needed to heat and cool them down, put photovoltaic on our roofs, you might wanna try drying your laundry on a wire or a rack instead of the dryer, use efficient means of lighting like fluorescent lamps or even LED, and or course: Think globally, eat locally and seasonally! – And I know I have a very vague definition of energy that covers way more aspects than just electricity in these examples. But I do take pride in the fact that the electricity provider of my choice only uses renewable sources of energy.

  3. Thank you, hwhite ladies, for such an entertaining and enlightening discussion on this progrum. It was the highlight of my Friday and I have something to say about the final topic of Tammy Faye and Evangelicals.

    I am a gay man who grew up in the Southern Baptist Church. You don’t get much more evangelical than that. (No longer a member, for many obvious reasons.) Naturally, I was exposed to some rank homophobia and attitudes much like Vera described. As such, I can absolutely understand Vera’s perspective and frustration. In all that frustration, it is easy and understandable to be wary of Christians in toto.

    However, it’s not that black and hwhite as Wanda would say. Not every Christian believes or buys into the notion that homosexuals are broken, disordered, sinful individuals. I attend a mainline Protestant church which preaches that sexuality is a gift and an innate part of oneself. We’re also not into strict biblical interpretations, because they are not realistic for today. Oh, and we’re definitely not all hot and bothered about evangelism, though there is an evangelism committee…but the approach is vastly different from the arrogant, pious approach we’ve all likely encountered in the past.

    Granted, this is a church in a urban center (St. Louis, MO) and the congregation skews liberal in political views…so it’s all a little bit skewed…but my point is that Christians in the US are not a monolith in their attitudes. On the flip-side, I would definitely agree that there is still a large chunk of the Christian population that has a LONG way to go in acceptance.

    And as for Tammy Faye… even if she died having even a LITTLE bit of doubt about homosexuality, I’m not going to let diminish the fact that she was more loving and open to us than ANY of the major televangelists living or dead. No other televangelist was willing to share a talk-show (or any other medium) with a gay man. No other televangelist gave airtime or forum to a gay man dying of AIDS to tell his story and dispel misconceptions about the disease in a time (1980s) when hysteria was at its highest. She wasn’t perfect, but she made an effort to understand. I think that’s why she’s beloved by some members of the gay community.


  4. Great show, gals! Regarding the final topic of the show, I agree with Vera about the relationship he has with his sister. If she refuses to embrace him fully, in the way he described (i.e. that his relationship and gay relationships in general are on par with straight ones), then the guilt should be on her. I get the argument about wanting to accept people even if their views are different from ours, but when it comes down to something as fundamental as who we love, one has to draw a line in the sand.

    If the relationships people have with their gay relatives are important enough to them, they need to question the beliefs (religious or otherwise) that stand in the way of them loving those people fully.

  5. i totally agree with vera on the whole sister issue. there is no way to have a meaningful relationship with someone who you know has something against you – whether it be your gayness, or your skin color or whatever. its one thing to be close with your sister who disagrees on the way the fed handled the housing crisis, but its another thing entirely to be close with someone who thinks you are living a sinful life and that YOU, as a person, are WRONG. its impossible. i have the exact same thing going on with my parents – cant handle that i’m gay and have been with my partner for 6 years, but want to chat about the weather. it doesnt fucking work.

  6. and by the way, vera, i’m at the stage you were several years ago – i’ve cut them off entirely because i dont know how else to handle it. everything seems fake.

  7. Jeff,
    Madge is “always so low” because the fucking moronic bitch doesn’t know how to work a microphone and I don’t want to spend 18 hours tweeking her levels between her yelling and her mumbling.

  8. You’d think, after some 6 years of podcasting, Madge knows how to work a microphone. I guess not, then…

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